One of the challenges that most of the governments encounter nowadays, is the category of using the resources for development, in particular, the human resource category. This problem with its multilateral infects, even in industrial and developed countreis, is considered as a norm to measure the capabilities of these governments in economical development and an index for specifying social management power. By considering the high amount of humaresource and the specific socio-economical situations in recent years in developing countries, especially Iran, this subject has been chosen as a considerable topic. Now, by considering the need towards job creation and using the humaresource, the trends and solutions suggested are of great importance. This arthicle is an effort, made to develop a specific point of view and approach under the topic of “Technological Synergy” with the objective of designing and expanding the development and composition of resources in develpoing countries. In this method two resources of investment -venture capital and Incubator- are used to describe the above mentioned model. This trend has been described in the three following sectors: Section one is included of concepts, selecting and clarifying the chosen approach along with the use and composition of resources. Section two is included of concepts and characteristics of incubators and VCs as the resources used in the model, and finally in part three as a conclusion the ways of interraction and technologyical synergy model of incubators and VCs has been reviewed.